

General info


17 y.o.


172 cm






high school student


Ira is just an average annoying teenager. She is hot-headed, hyper-active and a bit selfish. Due to her temperament she struggles to make friends with her peers. And even though she tries to appear tough and pretends like it doesn't bother her, she still finds herself wondering what having friends would feel like.
Being inexperienced in solving social dilemas, Ira doesn't really see much problems in her behaviour. She does, in fact, think of herself as a good and "always-in-the-right" kind of person.
Despite all of that, Ira is still quite cheerful, she genuinely tries to find something good even in the worst situations. She tries to keep up the happy attitude as long as she possibly can (which usually isn't very long since she's bad at controlling her emotions)


fighting (kinda), high stamina


Night walks, stars, strawberry flavour, her baseball bat, breaking stuff, bunnies


idk haven't thought of that yet


Ira grew up in a small town and was raised only by her mother. They often get in quarrels, so Ira made a habit of running away from home.
She usually leaves for a couple of hours, returning home very late in the night. She finds comfort in just walking alone through the fields on the outskirts of the town and looking at the starry sky.
However, one day she leaves and doesn't come back home like she usually does. That night, she becomes a witness to an actual alien UFO crash. Instead of running away like a normal person would, she comes closer to check out what happened and ends up befriending the ship pilot, Milo.
Still being emotionally affected by the recent fight with her mom, Ira sees the whole situation as a way to run away from home for longer than just a few hours. She offers Milo her help (even though she actually has no idea what she's doing or how to help him) and so begins their shared journey.

Random facts

  • she never unties her hairbuns in public
  • loves the color pink but would never admit it
  • i like thinking that the old shapeshifter design is her sona that she likes to imagine herself as lol


More art on ToyHouse



We didn't really get along at first, but i can call him my actual best fried now. Milo can be a real nerd sometimes and just talking to him in general is kinda hard. But i guess that's normal since he's an alien and stuff. He also overthinks literally EVERYTHING and it's so annoying. I presonally think he should just chill out


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[MORE INFO TBA] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Expedita reprehenderit saepe deleniti ratione repellendus natus et aperiam possimus quis adipisci, minus soluta exercitationem, quasi iste ducimus eos accusantium molestiae corrupti.